Sunday, March 30, 2008

Feathered Friends

This is a new acrylic-on-canvas, 24" x 36", entitled "Feathered Friends".

Monday, March 24, 2008

" A Moment In Time"

This is a new acrylic-on-canvas, 34" x 34" entitled, "A Moment In Time".

"Papa's Treasures"

This is a new acrylic-on-canvas, 24" x 36" entitled "Papa's Treasures".

Monday, March 3, 2008

How to drive more customers to your website.

Here are a few strategies for increasing traffic to your web site and for encouraging people to sign up for your email newsletter an importantgoal, as we've discussed in the past in "The Real Goal of Your Web Site.<> "In addition to the personal, ongoing strategies we discussed in Focusthe Lens - Marketing Email Campaign<> , here are some more strategies:
1. Give away a "freebie" in exchange for vistors' email addresses. Perhaps a free e-calendar featuring your artwork. A free report that you've written about your artwork technique for other artists.
2. Get other people to drive traffic to your site. This is called "affiliate marketing" in the non-art world. It could besimply exchanging links, but more specifically, you want other siteowners to promote your site to THEIR customers via email. (See Whatabout Promoting Other Artists Works<> ?). You might consider offering other site owners apercentage of the sales to their customers (after all you would have topay a gallery).
3. Start and Use a Blog.Blogs help build traffic and content over time. Once those people getto your blog, make it easy for them to sign up for your emailnewsletter.
4. Partner with people who reach customers you want.Perhaps a wine dealer would like to offer his clients art andinformation about art and perhaps you would like to offer your clientssome fine wine (and make a percentage of the sales).
5. Create an ebook.Ebooks are great, if you can write one, because they can get passedaround and they can contain links back to your site. You can also usethem as "freebies" to encourage people to sign up for your list asdiscussed in number 1.
6. Offline MarketingPress releases can help get you media coverage, be sure to think aboutsnail mail promotions to your customers periodically. They are moreexpensive but more "special." A campaign to send personal notes to yourcustomers would also make them feel special.
7. Submit content-rich articles to article directories.
8. Visit art-related online forums. When you have something relevant to say, say it. Include a link to yourweb site in your signature. Don't go crazy and do this daily, but do itperiodically.
9. Sign up for Robert Genn's NewsletterRobert Genn has a twice-weekly newsletter called "The Painters Keys."Besides finding it interesting, reply when a subject touches your heartand he may feature your reply with a link to your website. If so,you'll reach a lot of other artists, but you'll also reach artists andother people who buy art (hey, I read it).These are just a few additional strategies.
This article is reproduced with permission. Copyright 2007-2008 - Clint Watson.
This Article First Appeared at the Following Location:

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pelican's Roost

Greetings art lovers!! This is a 24" x 48" acrylic-on-canvas I just finished(March 1st,2008). It's unframed and a 1 1/2" gallery-wrap with the image extending around the edge. I'm adding this to my ocean-related series I'm preparing for the "Art And Surf Expo" Memorial Day weekend, May 25th & 26th, at the boardwalk in Va.Bch., Va.