Thursday, February 7, 2008

Marketing your art!

Six Steps to Maximize Your Art Marketing
1. Start by honing your craft - produce the best work that you possibly can.
2. Set up your own, stand-alone web site with your own domain name.
3. Persuade site visitors to voluntarily provide you with their email addresses with a clear, automated and enticing newsletter sign up page.
4. Approach galleries and get your work displayed in a good walk-in art gallery (or more than one).
5. Use your list of email addresses collected from your site to promote yourself, your work and your galleries.
6. If, and only if, you have time, set up free accounts with online art portfolio and community sites. Don't expect many sales from those sites - look at them as "advertising" to direct traffic to your web site. Not one of them is likely to drive much traffic to your site but the aggregated traffic of many utilized together might send you enough to garner a few clients....and in the art game a few clients can make a big difference.
7. Persuade site visitors to provide you with their email addresses with a clear, automated and enticing newsletter sign up page.
This article appears courtesy of by ClintWatson, a free email newsletter about art, marketing, inspiration andfine living for artists, collectors and galleries (and anyone else who loves art) .

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