Friday, February 15, 2008

Ther Path To An Artist's Goal

Let's say the goal at the end of your path is to have a solo exhibition at the art museum in your city or town. Here are some baby steps that will help you make progress.
--Learn all about the museum, its exhibitions, and it's collections. Verify that it's an appropriate venue for you.
--Meet key staff and board members at the museum.
--Become a member of the museum.
--Gain representation from high-end gallery that museum curators frequent. Then you look at that last item and it seems overwhelming. You need to break it down!
--Put suitable gallery dealers on mailing list.
--Attend gallery openings.
--Meet artists whose work is in galleries.
--Invite above artists to your studio and exhibits. (Add them to your mailing list.)
--Meet the dealers in charge of the space.
--Show at increasingly prestigious venues.
--Meet people who blog and write about work in your town.
--Get mentioned in blogs, magazines, and newspapers.
Looking at these lists can also cause you anxiety because you see everything in one place--everything you need or want to do. And some of these items are projects that need to be broken down even further. So, look at the list once a week. Focus on one thing at a time: one day, week, or month at a time. Be more structured: "In February, I'll attend two gallery openings, meet three new artists at those openings, and join the museum. "There you have it. Progress! There's another example of breaking down a big project on the Art BizBlog. <> _____ Know This . . .Baby steps = Progress. Think About This . . . Only you can understand your vision and the steps you take. Saying "I should be doing this" or "I need to be doing that" isn't good enough. You have to want it from your core. You have to be passionate about it. Do This . . . Take baby steps on your path to success. Don't let overwhelm paralyze you.

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