Friday, February 8, 2008

Self-examination For Success

Look for the answer to "What does success mean to you?" It won't be an easyprocess. Recall those times you have felt successful in the past, but don't dwell on them. You've moved beyond that and need a new vision filled with new challenges. Here are four steps to help.
1. Start by journaling or brainstorming with these words asprompts: money, fame, success, and recognition.
2. Do the same with these words: sales, exhibits, publicity,galleries, and museums.
3. Finally, take a look at the rest of your life. What, besidesyour art, are your values and priorities? Do you have a life vision? Isthis compatible with your career vision or do you need to adjust?
4. Talk about your vision with someone close to you. This comes after you've done the dirty work above because much of it would be uncomfortable sharing before you're clear on a few things. Having a conversation about your vision with the right person (!) can help you clarify things even further. The right person will be objective, ask you questions, and lead you to consider different angles and solutions. The right person will help you find the path to fulfilling your vision.

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